Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Want to build a utility vehicle, dana axles, mechanical capabilities

QUESTION: I have a 1994 Craftsman GT6000 lawn tractor that I no longer use. It has a Kohler 20HP vertical shaft engine in good condition. I would like to build a utility vehicle to haul 2-4 adults up a long, steep driveway, using some of the parts from the tractor. I'm thinking of a torque converter added to the engine for variable speed (instead of the fixed speed transmission). I will have to add some sort of throttle control and a braking system. I have full metal shop / mechanical  capabilities. This project is still in the idea stage- I would appreciate any input you might have.

ANSWER: I've done something similar.  How wide do you want this to be?  There are Dana axles available, such as what you find in some of the UTV's.  If you're going to stick with stock width axles, I'd use a hydrostat instead of the variable clutch.

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QUESTION: Good idea- thanks. Any particular hydrostat (Hydrogear?) you would recommend for use with this engine / pulling requirements?

ANSWER: Out of the current line-up of Hydro-Gear transaxles I'd say the 3000 or 3500 series would be the easiest.  You could go up to a pump and motor set-up, that would allow a lot of flexibility.  For that sort of set-up you can salvage parts off of commercial mowers.  A good used pump and motor should run under $200.  You'd pay that for a good used hydro transaxle.

The transaxle would be simplest to install under a lawn tractor platform.  The pump and motor would allow you to alter the width of that platform for stability.  And of course the UTV Dana axles are purpose made.

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QUESTION: Having a hard time searching for UTV Dana axles. Any suggestions?
Thanks for all your help.

I'm a service Center for American Sportworks which is where I source them primarily.  If you want to email me through the site I have in my profile I can get you dimensions and prices.  You can also use their repair shop search and see if there's someone near you.