Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): 10HP Snow King, head gasket leak, kind reply

I have a MTD snowthower with an HMSK-100 (LH358SA 10h.p.) engine.  After running snow blower if I check the oil dip stick it has some white residue which I have learned means moisture in engine from other posts I seen.  I keep my snowblower in my attached warm garage year long.  In trying to figure out what could be the cause I notice with the engine running I can feel like air blowing out the front of the motor where the carb outside housing cover wraps around to the front.  This is in the front not the side where the muffler is; where you would expect to feel air blowing.  Is this normal or could I have a head gasket leak? The engine runs strong almost towards the end of the job where the rpms seem to be lower but still strong enough to finish the job.  Thanks so much for your kind reply and expert advice.

Hello Mike:

>>This is Not a Sign of a Major Problem.
>>You have a Hot Engine that Cools Quickly Due to the Cold Weather and you will have Condensation Forming on the Inside of the Engine. For Snow Thrower/Blower Engines, I Always Suggest they have the Oil Changed at the End of the Season and that the Engine be Run for 10 Minutes and then the Oil Changed Again.
>>This Flushes Out the Small Amount of Moisture from the Condensation and you will Start the New Season with Good Oil.
>>The Air you Feel at the Carburetor Area in Front is the Engines Cooling Fins Pushing Air From Under the Blower Housing and this is Normal.
>>Please, Do Not Hesitate, If you Hit a Snag, if I Missed Something or this Does Not Correct the Problem, I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Hope this Helps. Let me Know What Happens, Please. May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours. Thanks.

Good Luck



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