Steering Column Repair: Wheel is locked, key wont turn, land rover discovery, signs of trouble

This is a 1995 Land Rover Discovery (auto transmission). Haven't had any previous signs of trouble in this area (that I've noticed#.

Stopped at the grocery store last night, when getting back in and attempting to start the vehicle, it gave the buzzing sound #at first# upon the key being inserted but the key won't turn and the wheel is locked. #Vehicle is in Park, of course.# It doesn't even buzz anymore. I had it towed home.

I was searching for a solution on the Internet and ran across one situation where it was suggested that the issue might be the brake switch #?). Not sure what this is or if it would be affecting my problem, but trying to correctly diagnose before I spend ~$600 on a replacement ignition switch %26 locks.

Thanks for your help.

Hi Bobby:
I've repaired 2 Land Rovers in my career for this problem.  Both needed a new lock cylinder and switch assembly.
I'm sorry to say, your best bet is to call a mobile automotive locksmith and see if they can re-cut a new key and get the lock to move for you.  Aside from that, I think you're going to have to replace it

Good Luck