Steering Column Repair: 93 Astro with tilt steering., spring tension, home stretch

Hello Jay: I am in the process of putting my 93 Astro (with tilt) back together, Sadly I have no
exploded view pics and this item has been apart for a week. The parts that were to be in the "next day" took that long to get in.

Had to replace multifunction switch and lever.

My question is I have a Spring approx 1" long and 3/4" dia (approx). What 2 parts does this spring go between ? I do know it fits over the splined/threaded end of the column, but not the parts it fits between.

I'll  be ding-danged, if I can remember.

Thanks for your time.


Hello Darin,
You're on the home stretch. This is where you need the lock plate compressing tool.

The spring you have goes between the bearing cup (race) and the turn signal cancel cam. Here is the order that they are installed.

1. Insert the bearing race.
2. Then goes the spring
3. Then the plastic cancel cam (also known as the horn ring)
4. Then the lock plate
5. clip

Once these parts are on the shaft you will need the compressing tool to hold the lock plate down on the shaft (from the spring tension). The compressing tool pulls the steering shaft while pushing the lock plate on far enough for the clip to go in. Without it you will be fighting the clip onto the shaft. Don't try beating it into place because that could damage the column and/or shaft.

I hope that helps.
Have a great day!