Towing Issues: Exp. Lic. Vehicle in street, unlicensed vehicles, budget cuts

We park our van on the street in front of our house. The registration expired a couple weeks ago and last night we got a parking ticket and a notice of immediate tow. My question is, is there anyway to prevent a tow? I would assume that paying the ticket does nothing in that sense due to the fact that I have 2 weeks to pay the ticket and the car is supposed to be towed immediately. If I renew the license and they come to tow it afterwards can they still do that? I moved it into the garage so I would at least have some warning but I don't know what happens when they show up and it's not outside. Omaha, NE

Well if they do not see the vehicle then it is hard to tow it.

As to the ticket, well you do have to pay that even if you do renew the license, or they might just issue a "warrant for the vehicle and you" which could be worse.

As to it being on the street, well as a general rule only "registered vehicles" are allowed to be on the street, even parked.  That kind of is a no brainier, but I wish to point out that in many states the tags are expensive and in some part based on the value of the vehicle which the City, County and State share part of the money.

And with all the budget cuts and them looking for ways to get more money, it is seeming like I get more questions now about local government being aggressive on "unlicensed vehicles" (read as LOST REVENUE) to them.

I would keep the van in the garage until it is licensed and insured and street legal. That way you will not have to contend with a towing fee also, which will be way more than the ticket cost.