Towing Issues: Trailer Brake issue, cruise control system, trailer brakes

I have a F250 and have had no problems until recently. The problem that I have is if I hold my brake pedal for more than a few seconds, only when the trailer is connected, the engin kills. The response that I have been getting from folks is "wow, I never heard of that. Any ideas?

well this is out of my area of expertise...

Plus I have never heard of this happening, and I own a 2005 F250 also..

But I got an idea that I would have looked at...

The trailer brakes are also tied into the brake circuit and I am not sure about your tuck, but the factory controller is also hooked to the cruise control system...

Now I know they have had problems with the cruise control system and it might be something to look at...

Also do you have access to more trailers to see if it is a specific trailer or common between others...

Just some thoughts here and like I said, its not my area of expertise.