Toyota Repair: 1994 T100 transmision, shift mechanism, ball and socket

I have a 1994 T100 with a five speed transmission.  The hydraulic system has failed, and I am in the process of installing a new slave cylinder.  However, it has also become very difficult to put into gear lately, so I suspect that another problem is hiding behind the hydraulic system problem.  When the truck is not running, I cannot put it into first gear.  I don't think that this has anything to do with the hydraulics, because you should be able to row it through the gears with then engine off without even using the clutch.  (At least I can do that in my Tundra.)

I am guessing that the problem is either in the shifting mechanism or in the transmission.  I have been looking for a repair manual, but haven't found one yet.  Do you have any suggestions of what I should look for?  Also, can the shift mechanism be accessed with the transmission still in the vehicle?  Can the transmission be removed without pulling the engine?

Thanks in advance.

i saw one with the identical problem your fighting with last week.  yes, the trans can be removed without removing the engine.  yes, the trans shifting mechanism can be removed without removing the transmission.  that was where the problem was last week.  there is a little gromment that the shifter lays in (kind of like a ball and socket).  the grommet had broken and the shifter was so loose, it would operate correctly.