Tractor Repair: Hydraulics/ bleeding, piston pump, pipe plug

We have a ford 2000 tractor. The three point hitch will not raise under power. Found that the fluid level was extremely low, so we added oil, but can not get any movement. I suspect that the pump needs primed since it is above the level of the oil reservoir. Is this possible, and if so how do we go about doing this?


 There are 2 types of Ford 2000's.  The old type had a piston pump on the side of the clutch housing.  The later type had an internal pump inside the rear end.  You say the pump is higher than the reservoir, so you must have the old type.  The later type needs no priming.  There is a pipe plug on the pump that can be removed, and a hose attached and routed back into the filler hole to recirculate the oil.  This will bleed the air out of the pump.