Volvo Repair: no-start, coolant temp, fuel tank

hello, my wife was driving our 1990 240 Volvo home in a snow storm when the car stalled and would not restart. She assumed she ran out of gas since the gage was in the red. I came to her aid with a can of fuel.However the car would not restart after putting about 4 gallon in the tank.  I began trouble shooting the car today. I found that I could hear the fuel pump runing but when I disconected the fuel return line no fuel came out of it. Do you think there is blockage somewhere or is the pump faulty? Also i did a diagnostic on the ignition system and found the coolant temp sending unit bad. could this be my problem? Thanks for your help. John

it could be a blocked filter or problem with the prepump in the fuel tank.if it ran out of gas or alomost out it could have picked up any sediment in the tank and clogged the filter.I would disconnect the fuel linethat comes  from the tank pump to the main pump then crank over car to see if prepump works.if it does I would replace the filter.
