Suzuki: Motor will not shut off, coil wire, test light

87 S.Sam turn off key and motor keeps runnung ,have to pull coil wire to stop? starts ok will not turn off, replaced Switch for starting still the same prob.

Cheers Joseph

Time to get out the test light, voltmeter, and wiring diagram, and find out why.......trying to diagnose something like this with a keyboard instead of hands on measuring is frequently about as successful as nailing jello to a tree..  
So...exactly where is the power coming from?  One thing I've seen is that the wiring to and from the ignition switch, coil, and alternator is misconnected.  Dead giveaway .... as soon as the engine stops turning, the power to the coil "mysteriously disappears"  If that's the case, the wire that's supposed to go from the charge warning light to the alternator is supplying power to the coil as long as the motor is turning.  OR something else.......