Suzuki: Headlights, power loss., vacuum hoses, mechanical linkages

I have a 1987 Suzuki Samurai 1.3. When i have the engine running it usually sits at between 800 and 1200 rpm, but when I put the headlights on it rises to about 3000rpm! So much that I can actually pull away in first gear using my headlights! Any idea what could be causing this? I also have the problem of my SJ losing power on journeys but after reading some of your answers I think this could be a vaccum leak in the fuel pipes? Maybe?
Many thanks. John.

The carburetor has an "idle up" function operated by vacuum.  I suspect that one of the mechanical linkages associated with this function has worn and is causing this.  Get someone to turn the headlamps on and off while you disconnect vacuum hoses at the carb one at a time.  It won't cause any harm to leave it disconnected.  As I remember, it's low on the front of the carb.  I never was able to get the fuel and emissions portion of the factory manual, so do not have that available.