Suzuki: rpm return, vacuum hoses, propane torch

hey scotty,
follow up to the valve chatter, when im driving after the car warms up, when i put the clutch in it takes about 2-3 seconds for the RPMS to drop back to 1000, then another 1-2 seconds for them to drop back 800 where they are set at.  Do Samurais usually take this long or is there a vacuum leak going on?
BTW, have you heard of a show on CW50 called Supernatural? great show, it's on tonight (thursday) at 9 central time, check it out.

That doesn't sound that abnormal, but if you suspect a vacuum leak, take a propane torch, DON'T light it, and turn it on, and put the end near any vacuum hoses and areas that you suspect of leaking.  The idle will change when the propane is sucked through a leak.  put the end near the air cleaner intake to get an idea of how it will feel/sound with additional combustible fuel in the intake.