Vintage Cars: Radiator, mgb roadster, radiator shop

have a 1979 MGB Roadster. I need to change the radiator and get a new one. While taking the old one out there is an electrical plud that kicks in the fans for cooling. This is standard on this model. My question is how to remove the plug. It has 2 wires and turns in the radiator but doesn't seem to just unplug. Thanks."

I'm afraid I've never worked on a B this late. I suspect that the switch seal is seized up/corroded in the radiator header tank. Soak it with Liquid Wrench for a day or two. If then pulling hard doesn't work you may have to go for a new seal and switch for your new radiator. (Moss and Victoria have them.) BTW, have you contacted a radiator shop for the price of a recore job? It may well be less than a new radiator, and they may also rescue your switch.

Sorry not to know specifically.
