Vintage Cars: 1979 VW Beete Convertible, ok shape, vw beetle convertible

QUESTION: We just bought our daughter a 1979 VW Beetle convertible that needs some work but is in ok shape. We've been able to get the car started but it has a problem with stalling when driven. We've had the valves/timing adjusted, new belts, distributor, points, condenser, rotor, plugs, wires, cap, carburetor and a few other things done. We are running out of ideas as to why it keeps stalling and could use some advice. Thanks!

ANSWER: when you say stalling , does it just die, or gives you warning?
quick shut offs are usually electrical in nature.

If it putters to a stop then it is most likely fuel delivery.  A weak fuel pump, clogged filter or lines sometimes can do this.  Was it running before you bought it ?  Also check for vacuum lock, try to loosen the gas cap and see if the symptoms dissapear.
Is there a gas smell?
Is this a fuel injected car?  If so have the injectors been rebuilt/replaced?
More information would be helpful, so let me know.  Good luck

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I can be long winded so here goes... when driving it you have no warning or signs that it is about to stop,  it will be running along and all of a sudden you are pushing on the gas and nothing happens... engine still making noise but as soon as you run out your current speed your dead your just coasting along... then it won't start up again. It was running before I purchased it but it had sat for 2 years... bought on Ebay out of AZ I live in UT don't get much info from seller. On first tune up machanic said there was gas in EVERYTHING flow was stuck open... was fuel injected but has been removed, needs new carb but don't know what to buy or where to buy it... Geez this ? could go on FOREVER! Yes there is a gas smell, in fact at the first I kept thinking I "flooded" it. But this my 13 year old daughters dream car and you should see her pout when she says she just wants her "buggie" to run :O) THANKS for any advice!

Suzie, it does sound fuel related, not having injectors anymore means the engine has been replaced or some kinda byass has been set up. An engine that was injected and now is not does not make a lot of sense to me
In any case if you mechanic can verify the fuel pump is good, then once the filters and lines to the carb are OK then I would look at replacing or rebuilding carb.  these small engines need proper fuel flow and vacuum to run well.  You could have anything from a stuck float to gasket leaks, to a simple vacuum leak
I wish I could be of more help but this is a tricky one, I feel fairly certian it is fuel delvery but there are many many factors here.
Join this forum and post your specifics there, they are very good

Good Luck