How to Jumpstart an E350 Mercedes

Keeping jumper cables in your car can be the difference between being stranded on the side of the road and doing a quick repair to go about your day. Jumping your Mercedes-Benz E350 is the same as jumping any other vehicle; you must find the correct battery terminals on your car as well as a car with a working battery. The car with the working battery will give your Mercedes' battery a charge, allowing it to have enough power to operate once again.

Things You'll Need

  • Battery jumper cables
  • A vehicle with a live battery
  • Park a car with a live battery beside the Mercedes E350 and pop both hoods, so you have easy access to the batteries.

  • Attach the positive jumper cable clip to the positive battery terminal on the Mercedes E350. The cable is red on most jumper cables, and most batteries have a "+" sign to indicate positive.

  • Attach the other positive jumper cable clip to the positive terminal on the other car.

  • Attach the negative jumper cable clip to the negative battery terminal on the vehicle with the working battery. The cable is black on most jumper cables, and most batteries have a "-" sign to indicate negative.

  • Attach the other negative jumper cable clip to a piece of metal under the hood of the Mercedes to ground the current.

  • Start the vehicle with the working battery. Allow it to sit and run for a few minutes, which will charge the Mercedes' battery.

  • Unclip all jumper cables in reverse order.

  • Allow the Mercedes to run for several minutes before turning it off.