How Tight Should a Radiator Cap Be?

  • Radiators heat up quickly.
    Radiators heat up quickly.

Tighten Strong for Safety

  • Radiator caps should be sealed strong and tight before operating. Radiators exert a lot of pressure when the fluid is heated. According to CarsDirect, failing to properly secure a radiator cap with ample physical pressure "can cause the vehicle to overheat" or even leak.

    Never touch a radiator when it is hot.
    Never touch a radiator when it is hot.

Be Sure All Caps Fit

  • Radiator caps are designed to withstand different amounts of pressure--be sure yours is appropriate. Correct radiator cap pressure helps to maintain a balance of heat. If old caps are damaged they should be replaced. New radiator caps, states ArrowHeadRadiator, "must have the same pressure rating as the original."

    Radiators exert different amounts of pressure.
    Radiators exert different amounts of pressure.

Bottom Line

  • A radiator cap should be tightened with a maximum amount of physical pressure. If a radiator cap is not on strong enough it can cause fluid to leak. In order to avoid danger, be sure caps are pressure-rated specifically for your radiator. Check your owner's manual for details on pressure cap ratings.

    Replacing a radiator due to a loose cap can be costly.
    Replacing a radiator due to a loose cap can be costly.