Bestop Bed Cover - 4-Wheel & Off-Road Magazine

Ali Mansour Brand Manager, 4WD & Sport Utility

The fullsize truck might very well be the most coveted vehicle in America. With the ability to haul loads of cargo, tools, and people to and from with ease, it's no wonder why the modern pickup platforms flood our nations backroads, jobsites, and off-road parks. Though we all love the rugged and utilitarian nature of the truck bed, sometimes the cargo in it could use a little protection from the elements.

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While camper shells and fiberglass bed covers are both great ways to secure your load, they can become a nuisance when you're trying to throw in your new 44-inch treads or oversized parts. To create a happy hauling solution Bestop has created the EZ-Fold Tonneau. Known for its legendary Jeep tops and 4x4 accessories, Bestop also has a full line of truck bed covers for almost every pickup make and model. The EZ-Fold Tonneau is engineered to be an affordable bed cover that can be folded up or removed in just minutes. Using a no-drill design and a quick-release latch system, the low-profile tonneau is a great way to increase the versatility of your bed without permanently limiting your cargo capacity.

To get a closer look at the new bed cover, we took to the garage and installed one on our '06 Dodge Ram 2500 tow rig. In what may go down as the fastest install to date, we enjoyed how the cover fit and are equally impressed with the end product. For more information on Bestop's line, check out

PhotosView Slideshow Prepping your truck for the install is as easy as giving the bed a good wash and, if you feel inclined, a nice coat of wax. If your truck is equipped with an over-the-rail bed liner, you may need to modify it to allow room for the securing clamps.
The EZ-Fold cover is a no-drill and tool-free install. This is all made possible by Bestop's operator-friendly clamps, which secure the cover to the bed with a flip of a lever.
Folding or removing the cover is an easy, one-person job. On our '06 Dodge Ram 2500 we had the tonneau folded, latched, and ready to go in about the same time it took you to read this caption. To help keep the elements at bay, the EZ-Fold cover has a thickly padded seal that's attached to the base of the tonneau. With its stretch- and shrink-resistant cover material, the EZ-Fold is designed to handle seasonal shifts with ease.
Whether you are folding the cover up or pulling it off, the integrated latch system makes carrying and securing the tonneau a breeze.
The EZ-Fold Tonneau is comprised of a durable leather grain textured vinyl that's braced by an ultra-lightweight aluminum frame. The EZ-Fold's sleek low profile and easy-to-use design give our truck that added style and function we've been looking for.