Auto Insurance Claims: Personal Injury Jury Trial, expert report, accident report

Hello I will try to make this brief as possible. in July of 2006 I was involved in a car accident. I was eight months pregnant with my last child. The woman who hit us as the accident report says she failed to yield the right of way. It was later amended to add a witness who claims that my husband (the driver was speeding)We recently did a depo of my family doctor of 25 years and the lawyer tells me that my doctor said that after 3 years that I would be "cured". When I talked to my doctor about the depo and showed him the letter that the attorney wrote me concerning his testimony he was appalled and agreed to come testify in person. He told me they obviously misunderstood what he said and he would be happy to come and clarify any misunderstanding. My Lawyer than tried to twist my arm and tell me to take a 15,000 settlement. when I refused he told me that I was going to lose and if I wanted to take it to court it would be without him. So here I sit a week before trial preparing to defend myself and would like to know how to proceed. PS. I found out on the Internet that in 2001 the city was made aware that this particular intersection was dangerous and that it would cost seven thousand dollars to fix it. Can that make a difference should I be suing the city for failure to maintain safety at a known high accident intersection. Would the lady who hit me insurance company be able to go after the city after having to pay on my case. Jury selection begin in a week. I need to know good questions to ask potential jurors and good questions to ask my doctor and their witness. oh sorry they had an "expert recreate the accident and said my husband was doing 45 but never provided a sample to the defense of the story how we said it went down. so wouldn't that be a bias "expert report". the bottom line was we had the right away and the other driver a stop sign. PS. this lady this right across the site from the accident and she was 80 years old. Your comments would be greatly appreciated. PS former lawyer said he thought the case was potential worth 100,000

Hi Toya,

I don't mean to disappoint you, but you should not proceed with this case unless you have anb attorney. You can request that the court postpone the case until you are able to secure new legal counsel. If you go to court by yourself you will be up against an attorney. They will eat you alive and you will lose your case.

You should immediately start looking for a new attorney and contact the court to request an extention of the trial.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh