Auto Insurance Claims: Suspended license DMVs fault, DMV problem

Because of a 'reckless driving' conviction 3 years ago I need to have an SR22. That's fine I agree to that. The problem is with the DMV. They don't process insurance information fast enough so my SR22 lapses. Anytime I change insurance companies (for better rates etc) the DMV takes their time processing even though I keep my old insurance until the new one takes affect. Even a few days after. My insurance broker is aware of the DMV's ineptness. Because the DMV doesn't do their job, I get a suspended license. It's not fair especially after I paid my dues and rectified my ticket. The reckless driving was not passing a sobriety test at a sobriety check point. Other then that my DMV record is nearly perfect. My agent is willing to compose a letter to the DMV on my behalf. Los Angeles, CA. Thank you.

We all have the same problems with DMV lately. Calif. DMV outsources a lot of their work to a firm in Ohio, but the notices all have Calif. DMV return addresses. My best advice is to just go into your local DMV office and ask for a supervisor. They have the power to waive penalty fees and fix problems. Also if they fix a problem, have them make a note of whatever they did on your paperwork and sign it.