Auto body repair & detailing: What type of steel & where to find?, sheet metal suppliers, auto body supply

QUESTION: I'm needing to weld in a patch panel on my 1961 Thunderbird. What is the best type of sheet metal to use and where can it be found?

ANSWER:  You can find everything you need at a good auto body supply store. You can also go on line and find patch panel, maybe the one you need. Just Google it several ways and you'll be surprised at what's out there.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I have multiple suppliers for preformed patch panels, I was looking for a bit more specific information on sheet metal for small rust patch repair. I have been to the autobody/paint suppliers here, but they do not carry metal. I have located sheet metal suppliers near my location and online, however they have many types of sheet metal for sale: plate, roll, various mixes and blends, cold rolled and heat processed, etc. Do you have an opinion on what would be best order for my repairs?

I try to by uncoated 20 or 22 gage mild sheet metal. What I get at my auto body supply store is a coated metal like what todays cars are built with. You still have to grind off the coating before you weld or  it will spit and smoke. You can use most any mild steel as long as you clean it good before you weld.