Auto body repair & detailing: vinyl roof repair, upholstery shop, sized job

I inadvertantly sent you the wrong email. Again, I am asking your opinion about replaceing a crappy vinyl roof that has been repainted and there is black showing thru. A friend says that we can contact glue a new vinyl roof bought at a fabric store, you know, an arctic grade that is good to -10 degrees. I live in Indiana and it very rarely gets that cold.I am tricking out this 1990 caddy hears for my business. It won't be a show car but a showy car. I am spending some money on it. Dual chrome exhaust. 20 in rims, custom color job, so what do you think? Is this a job my friend and I can tackle? I have called around Terre Haute and no one wants to mess with it. Thanks for taking the time to give me your opinion.

You must have an auto trim and upholstery shop near by. That's a pretty good sized job on a hearse. There is a shop up here in Battle Creek MI that will do it for eight hundred to a thousand, depending on the condition of the metal and the vinyl you pick. You could save money by removing the old vinyl and trim yourself.