GMC Repair: repair on gmc, gmc jimmy, coil pickup

I have a 95 GMC Jimmy truck. I have replaced the computor,rotor button
and cap. I also have replaced the coil pickup . The truck still wont
fire. Is there a module in the bottom of the distributor ? Would that
keep it from firing ? It has  vortec 4.3 engine and the 8th digit in VIN is W . I've also put new plugs and plug wires on it as well.What could be the problem ? Thank you for any help u can give .

Hi There is an ignition control module in one of two places.
It is either in the distributor, under the rotor, OR it is located on the right side of the engine on the right valve cover (passenger side).
If the module is in the Distributor, the distributor itself MAY also be faulty.
Follow up if more help is needed.
Hope this helps.
Good Luck