Audio Systems: cd player on 2005 chevy silverado, silverado radio, radio repair

The cd player on my 2005 chevrolet Silverado truck will not accept the cd's they go in very tightly and I have to use twizzers pull them out. The unit is a combination cd, radio and cassette.  I understand there are units that can play flash drives but I am not a tech savvy at all so I wouldn't know what to get. (My son usually bales me out).  I have been "googling" the problem and found out this is common on this make and model.  Any suggestions and THANK :YOU in advance!!!!

Yes this is a normal problem on this head units the rubber rollers inside get old and weak
but you found this information googling
the radio can't play a flash drive  you can add an iPhone iPod interface or mp3 input
you will need the interface or auxiliary audio adapter

Chevy auxiliary interface

silverado iPod adapter