Audio Systems: hooking up TV, receiver, blu-ray, and cable box, hdmi cables, retail markup

Hello. I have a bunch of new equipment: a new Samsung HDTV with three hdmi ports.
I'm trying to double-check accuracy of this hookup information: 1) hdmi cable from
cable TV box to TV; 2) hdmi cable from TV to receiver; 3) hdmi cable from blu-ray
player to receiver; 4) regular speaker wires from receiver to two stereo speakers. So,
to summarize, do I need only three hdmi cables: one from cable box to TV; one from
TV to receiver; one from blue-ray to receiver. Is this all I need? Something tells me
that somehow I need something more to get the blu-ray pulse that's going to the
receiver one more step to the TV, but I'm not sure. Thanks for any information you
can provide. -- daveb

It looks right to me, according to what you have listed.

by the way, I hope you didn't get ripped on the HDMI prices -

Don't buy the retail brands. They are identical (except for the cosmetics) as the ones listed at the links above, except the retail markup is anywhere from 300% to 700%. Trust me, I KNOW how much this stuff really costs...