Audio Systems: Toyota Factory 6 CD Changer problems, toyota caldina gt, toyota factory

I have an ERR 3 on the 6 disk cd changer, radio and tape work fine, basically the changer tries to load the the disk for about a minute then beeps and gives up. Just wondering if you have any ideas on the problem and how to fix it? Cheers

Model Number: Toyota 34235, in a 1997 Toyota Caldina GT-T

Nick ,

since the unit is factory call toyota .. they have the resources to look up the error code and that can set you on the path to fix the unit .. their customer service line is a toll free 800 or 888 number and there is no charge for it .. after you figure it out i would take it to a local shop and have them take a look at .. changers all are internal problems it takes know how to open one up even to unstick a disc so there really are no quick fixes .. sorry i cant help you out more than this but if you need anything else let me know
