Cadillac Repair: 1997 deville, abs systems, rubbing alcohol

cleaned key light stayed off,now traction light came on and here something so i cut the traction off and abs lights went off when i restarted the car
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theft system probelm car may not start light just came on
Hi James,

      Depending on the mileage you could have a couple of things going on here. The first and easiest thing to try is to use the other ignition key to start the engine and see if the message comes back. If it stays off now then you might just have a dirty key pellet that needs to be cleaned with some peroxide or rubbing alcohol because the build-up is changeing the pellet resistance and since it isn't in an acceptable range the light turns on.

     The more likely thing that is happening is that one of the small wires comming from the ignition lock cylinder is starting to flex in half. Right now the insulation is holding the wire ends together but in say 30 more key turns the ends might spread apart far enough that it won't start anymore.

     If trying the other key or cleaning the key doesn't fix the problem then what needs to be done is replace the ignition lock cylinder and keys. Of course you or your mechanic will need to verify the wireing problem first before replaceing the parts.

     Hope that helps answer your question. Bill

Hi James,

      Sounds like your theft message light is turning out to be a simple and inexpensive fix.

      The fact that the traction control light has come on is in no way related to the theft problem. What you will need to do is have the traction control/ABS codes read and then you will know what needs to be looked at and repaired. When the traction control and ABS systems activate they do make noises...some which are normal and others might be a problem. When the codes are read it would be a good idea to go for a test drive with your mechanic or service adviser and point out the noise and then they can determine normal or abnormal. Turning the key off and restarting the engine can sometimes reset the computor and other times the problem will come right back.

     The best thing would be to schedule an appointment and have the car looked at. Let me know if you have anymore questions. Bill