Chevrolet Repair: 1997 4 cylinder S-10 PU water leak, blown hose, water leak

Hi Van,

My son has a 1997 s-10 that sprung a leak a couple of days ago. The coolant is rust colored (I read something about "red" coolant?). I got under the truck to have a look and it appears that it is leaking right out of the transmission. I couldn't find a blown hose. Does the engine cooling circuit run through the trans? Could this be a water pump? I appreciate any help you can provide.

Hello Pat,
Actually, the transmission fluid runs through a heat exchanger inside the radiator.
There are two metal lines from the right side of the transmission to the radiator.
If there is a leak in that cooler in the radiator, transmission fluid will migrate into the cooling system, and coolant will get into the transmission.
That is a problem that needs to be corrected as quickly as possible by replacing the radiator, and flushing both systems. Do the flushing while the radiator is removed.
Drain the transmission, blow out those lines, and after refilling the trans, run it with the lines off for a few seconds to force fluid through them, and the coolant out.
Flush the heater core out also.