Chrysler Repair: Neon 01: 4-speed automatic range sensor, solenoid pack, transmission control module

Hi, I have a Neon 1995cc with 4 speed automatic transmission the 41TE  i have been getting a few problems with the electrics, i have changed the transmission range sensor in the transmission and am still getting the same problems which are: car will start in any position P R N D 1 3, can not change down to 3rd or 1st of the stick shift and the cruise control is inoperative the fault codes i still get are P0705 and P1899 which i know relate to the transmission range sensor that is why i changed it, could the fault lie in the transmission control module or the transmission solenoid pack or the wiring harness. Many thanks Paul

Hi Paul,
My '01 FSM for the Neon doesn't show the 41th details; doesn't mention that trans at all and shown no wiring diagrams. But a do show it in the '02 PT Cruiser manual for the 2.0L.  Because you replaced the range sensor to no avail I would then check out the wiring to see if it shows the proper grounding of the wires when in P and N. If you pull the plug on the sensor, you should find the pins 10,9,8 are grounded in park, and pin 10,9,7 are gounded in neutral. If that is so, then check continuity from the plug to the tcm plug: pin 10 to 41, pin 9 to 42, pin 8 to 3, and pin 7 to pin 1. Also check continuity from pin 41 of the tcm plug to pin 76 of the pcm plug. I believe that should reveal a problem. Also, check all the wires involved on these pins to be sure that they are not shorted to ground when all three plugs are disconnected.
The only way that it will start in all the gear positions is if the pin 76 at the pcm is grounded all the time, so see what that pin looks like (black/white or yellow/red wire). If it is, then see if it is shorted at the tcm  too, and if so, check for if it is grounded when you pull the plugs on the pcm, tcm, and range sensor. If so, then the wire is shorted to ground.