Chrysler Repair: 96 T&C Blower Only on High, rt ft, heater blower

My 1996 T&C heater blower only runs on high speed.  The control is a 5 speed rotary switch.  When the switch is moved from the the high position, the dampers also close so that no air is allowed through the ducts.  In reading your answers for similar models, it seems that the problem is the resistor block.  Does the 1996 T&C use the resistor block? If the problem is the resistor block, will the dampers close?

Yes you have a blower resister and also is more common to melt the connector as well.It is located below the wiper bucket near the rt ft strut.If the fan is not on no air is going flow through on this type of vehicle.Its not like older ones where you can have temp on heat and you can still feel heat with out the fan.Also the blower switch is the power switch for the system.