Dodge Repair: 98 Dodge Neon Cooling System Leak, radiator cap, dodge neon

My question is in three parts, the first is the more important.  1)  I was told the water pump (and timing belt) have to be replaced on my car by a mechanic who looked at it from the underside and stated that because he could not see exactly where the water/anti-freeze were coming from, he could only see the dripping from the bottom front, that the water pump was not working any more.  I doubted this after I poured water into the radiator over flow resevoir (car not running) and shortly (3-4 seconds)  heard it running out about as fast as I was pouring it in.  It seems to me that the water never even makes it to the pump (and vice versa).  Does this sound like a water pump problem to you?  The first indication I had that there was any problem at all was when I went out to a parking lot to get in my car and saw a big puddle of anti-freeze under it.  I looked under my car for dripping just to be sure.  The point is - it happened all at once.
2) Is there any way to look inside the radiator to see if the water is circulating to check to see if the pump is working?  If you're familiar with this model you know the radiator cap is not on the radiator, but on a hose that leads off of it.  3) Is there any way to get a diagram of this cooling system so I can see all the points where there may be a failure (hoses and connections?)  Given the $360+ estimates (I make about $800 a month) I have received to replace the water pump and timing belt, I would really like to have some degree of confidence that that is actually what needs to be done.  I appreciate your time and I am very grateful for you help.

can u see where the coolant is going out from that would be the first clue if it is the water pump. It is behind the timing cover attached to the water pump. Have some one pour some water in and watch it for yourself to see where it comes out of. There are no diagram for what u are asking  this is stuff that u just know what and where coolant flows from going to classes and such. The looking inside the radiator u cant do  if u say the coolant just comes right out  there wont be enough for it to flow around inside the radiator any way so what u are wanting to do would be pointless until u ge the leak fixed.I live in the Atlanta area I would be glad to look at it for u.