Land Rover Repair: 98 discovery coding P1193-1316-0307, head gasket leak, intake leak

Hi John , motor started 120,000-- blowing a bit of anti-freeze on long trips-never overheated--developed a slight cut out rarely, coded P1193    -/-130,000 milage off from +,- 20mpg to 16mpg ,frequent but not continuous engine shudder , every two or three days 1/2 to 3/4 cup of anti-freeze will apear on the camshaft cover --- oil clean, anti-freeze clean , is this a head gasket? thanks for your time --- john

It's possible this is a head gasket leak but it is more likeley an intake leak.  That said, we often see older Rovers where the intake, heads, and front cover all leak to some extent.  Don't be surprised if that is the case here.  If you pull the heads I'd do a valve job for sure and assemble with new wires and plugs