Land Rover Repair: 95 d-90 turns over, but wont start, inertia switch, bad cap

hey john-
thanks for sharing your knowledge...i have an immaculate 1995 d-90, 24.000 miles, that all of the sudden won't start. the battery is fine, but when i start it, it turns over, tries to catch (minimally), and then nothing...just keeps turning over. all the fuses are fine, there's plenty of gas..what should i check?
thanks for your help...

Does it have spark at the plugs?  No?  Then check for spark at the coil.  If it has spark there, you've got a bad cap/rotor.  

If no spark you have a bad distributor, amp, or wiring.

Does it have fuel pressure?  No? Check pump, relay, wiring, inertia switch.

Good luck!

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