Land Rover Repair: Housewife trying to change the Tire!, contruction site, lug nuts


I just bought a used Disc. and love it! Unfortunatley, my tire did not love the contruction site next door which apparently had some roofing tacks...that's right! I have a flat!

Seems the previous owner decided to keep the Owner's Manual (I just ordered a new one), but in the meantime, I have a flat tire and cannot locate the tire changing kit (Tire Jack & lug nutt remover thingy) Help! Where is it? I can change the flat easily if I can just locate the kit!

Thanks so much for your help! My children thank you too!

Kasye from Washington, DC

Hi Kasye,

Welcome to the wonderful world of LR ownership!  The tire iron may be under the rear seat.  Usually, its a long vynl bag (folded in half) and slipped under the seat from either side (passenger door open).  You could flip up one of the seats to see if its there.  The jack may be in the engine compartment just behind the drivers side headlight.  You'll see a cavity there which is designed to hold the jack (velcro strap provided at no extra charge!).

Word to the wise:  the iron is really soft!  Eventually, if you do lots of your own work, the iron will twist and break.  I'd consider buying a mechanics rachet and the correct socket to remove your lug nuts.  Make sure the rachet is at least 24 inches long.

Best of luck,


NB:  long standing Land Rover tradition:  give a name to your Disco!  We bought ours when the Lion King movie was first released.  My son named our Disco "Simba".  Make it a family decision and join in the 50+ year old tradition.
