Mercedes Benz repair: Diesel Fuel, night time temperature, dodge sprinter

I recently purchased a 2007 "Winnebago View"  which is
mounted on a Dodge Sprinter chassis.  The engine is a
Mercedes-Benz using diesel fuels No 1 or No 2.  I live in
Pennsylvania and have it winterized and stored at my
home.  The winterizing instructions did not indicate any
special treatment of the diesel fuel in the fuel tank for
the cold weather, thus I was not aware of the suggested
procedure of additive to the fuel tank to minimize the
gelling of the fuel in cold temperatures.  Temperatures in
Pennsylvania were mild (30 degrees and above) up until
New Years.  I started the engine and left it run about 20
minutes in mid December.  Now the temperature has
turned cold with the coldest night time temperature in the
mid teens.  My question:  
1  Is this additive necessary for storage of the motorhome?
   if so what is the additive called and recommended brand?
2  Should something be done now since the weather has
   turned colder and what should that be?
3  How can I confirm if the gelling did occur; if so,
  should I refrain from  starting the engine as I did in
  mid December; and will the gelling disappear when the
  temperatures warm up?  

If it where my RV.

I would remove the batteries, put them in the garage on a trickle/maintenence charge, and not start the engine until ambient is above 40F.

If you will need this RV while the ambient is still low, add one gallon of kerosene for every twenty gallons of diesel.

If you are not adding a Biocide, please read the following threads.

MB diesel filtration, how it works.

Diesel filters, no tank strainers please.

Algae/Fungus fixation...

Check out this fuel pickup screen

Biobor, what is it, why do I need it???

Filters, Fungus, Biocide, etc.

Algae Clogged Filter Pic StarTron WORKS !

Cold weather starting links