Mitsubishi Repair: ticking noise, mitsubishi elcipse, vacuum diagram

2001 mitsubishi elcipse gt 3.0 V6 74,800 miles. I just recently replaced an o2 sensor, map sensor, and pcv valve, hopefully the check engine light will stay off. However, I recently noticed a loud ticking sound which comes and goes. After listening carefully I believe it is coming from a EGR vacuum solenoid. According to the vacuum diagram under the hood there are two vacuum solenoids. This is the one in front. Is this something to become concerned about. Is it possible to clean it out? Im concerned because I'm trying to sell the car. Should I just try to replace it? I apparently will have to go to a dealer because I found two of them listed but don't know which part number this one is.

Dave: If you are trying to sell the car and you can hear that noise what makes you think the person that is looking at your car, can't? Before you replace the EGR, try putting in a higher grade of fuel. But all that EGR will do is cause the car to run bad, but then again if you are trying to sell it. I guess it is up to you. But still try the better grade of fuel, sometimes that will help.Better grade of fuel would not be the corn mixed fuel. God bless: Linda