Mitsubishi Repair: Shogun 5 dr Lwb, radiator cap, every 10 mins

Just brought a second hand shogun and as i was driving home the 167 miles found the temperate gauge went up to hot for 5 mins then down to normal keeps doing this every 10 mins, also i'm not getting any heat from a/c which leds me to believe its not overheating. Any advice

Stephen: It could be a weak water pump or it could be a bad thermostat. One other thing could be not enough coolant in system or the radiator cap is not maintaining proper pressure. So some things for you to check. When you turn on the heater is it pushing any heat? You would not be getting heat from the a/c. But cool air from the a/c and heat from the heater. But if no heat from the heater than I would say your thermostat is bad. But if that don't fix it then check the other things I wrote about. I hope this helps and good luck! ~Linda~