Mitsubishi Repair: eclipse power window, christmas trees, window components

How do i remove the door panel, so i can check to power window components to try and find the binding

Mike: I would go out and buy a repair manual for your car, it will point out all the screws that must be removed, tell you how to pull the inside panel off the door. You did not put down what kind of car this is, so all I can say is that you have to check all over the inside panel looking for screws sometimes they are have covers over the screw heads, so you have to check the panel very closely, the reason for the repair manual. Most parts stores have them for around $20.00 and well worth the money spent. Once you get all the screws out, you will just pull the inside panel loose from the outside part of the door. There are pins that hold the panel to the door, I call them unside down Christmas trees because that is what they look like to me. Try not to break them. But if you do, you can buy more to replace. Hope this helps and good luck! ~Linda~