Motorcycle Repair: Clutch Noise, clutch basket, belt pulley

QUESTION: Rolling to a stop, pull in clutch at low speed, get a loud whirrrr until bike is stopped. Happens randomly, not every day, more often when cold, but also when warm. Kick into neutral after stop, no sound. Clutch, primary chain, and belt checked and in adjustment. Primary and trans changed to synthetic, no difference. Does not effect anything else...clutch and trans work perfectly. No noise when clutch is let out and underway.  2000 Softail, 5 speed, stock, 13K miles, easy riding.  Has done this on and off since I bought it last year at 8K miles.

ANSWER: Take the bike out for a ride. When you start hearing the noise get your speed up a little and put it netural and coast. Do you still hear the noise? Do the same thing, but hold the clutch in while in netural. Do you still hear it?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Slowing to a stop shifting into first, as soon as I got my speed up the whirrr ceased.  As soon as the clutch is released and a load is on the drive train, the noise stops.  Initial noise was when bike was cold, occasional short whirrs later on when nearly stopped.  I also coasted the bike in neutral, clutch in and out, speeds up to 25 MPH but no noise.  Further info: At 10K primary oil and trans oil change, the primary oil was clear, the trans magnetic plug had some gray material and few small shards...nothing unusual.  2000 FLSTF TC88B 5 speed.

The whirling could be a be acouple of things. The nut on the clutch basket is loose or the nut on the belt pulley is loose. Either one would cause the noise. In order to check them you would have to pull the primary and inner primary.
Good luck and happy riding