Motorcycle Repair: my 1981 superglide tach.needle flutter, wiggle test, battery terminal

Hi Mike,
   BEFORE I replaced any parts, I asked about why my tachometer needle is bouncing around quite a bit.You suggested it was probably a bad tach. So I replaced it and quite a few uther parts.Now it occurs less frequently but,it still kills the engine for just a second. Not long enough to stop it while running or cause it to backfire, but there is a definate power loss, kinda as if something were grounding out. It occurs more often when the engine is hot, say running for a 1/2 hour or so and once the tach.starts to jump it seems to happen more when the engine is vibrating more like while down shifting for instance. Also,the lights stay on when it happens and none of the the breakers trip............YET.
To date, I have replaced the following parts;
voltage regulator
ignition module
ignition coil
plugs and ignition wires
ignition key switch
all the breakers that are under the seat and the one that is attached to the positive battery terminal.
I have viusally checked or replaced any wires and connectors that are attached to each of the parts that I relaced.I also did a "wiggle test" on any wiring that I could get my hands on with no result.
I am totally frustrated and getting bummed out. Please help me find something that I haven't done and I'll do it. I'll do whtaever it takes as I'm afraid to go on any long bike runs until I find the problem. Thanks, alan

in your previous question you didnt mention the power loss, so I assumed it was a bad tach. When you have the power loss does it only happen when you are riding the bike? Does it do it at idle when the bike is sitting still? Does it do it when you rev it up a little while sitting still?