Motorcycle Repair: My 73 Sporty wont start, fuel line, electronic ignition

I rode my 73 sporty (trike) around the block and it ran great and then shut it off for a couple minutes. When I restarted it, it was acting funny like it was needing gas. Then it would't start at all like it needed gas and it backfired. It has gas, it has a clean air filter and it was running great before.  What suggestions do you have of what I should check???

First, you need to check to see if its a ignition problem or a gas problem. Look down the throat of the carb. When you twist the throttle do you get s shot of fuel? remove the fuel line from the carb. Open hte petcock, are you getting fuel?
Pull a spark plug and turn the motor over with the plug against the head. Are you getting spark? Do you have points or electronic ignition? What color are the plugs? Let me know