Motorcycle Repair: 1980 CB125, powder coater, dirty point

    I've recently rebuilt the motor on my CB125 and have put it all back in the frame. Everything is back on the frame, all lights, horn and everything else works. But, I have no spark.  There is no spark at the points, so there is no spark at the coil.  The frame was recently powder coater and I have tried to filed away the powdercoating around the earth from the battery, and the condenser.  The problem with the CB125 is that it requires a fully charged battery to work, and I've tried that as well.  Any ideas?


-the power to your ignition goes from
the battery through the fuse and on to
the ignition switch. From there it goes
to a junction and on to the kill switch.
The kill switch has a black/white wire
that runs the power to the coil positive.
-The way to trace the problem is by checking
for power on the coil black/white wire.
-If you have power to the coil,
then the problem lies with
the points, condensor, coil or
the wiring inbetween.
Could be dirty point contacts
or bad wire etc.
-if you have no power to your coil
then that is the problem,
check the kill switch, wiring etc.
until you find out where the power
is lost. Just use a full battery and
get a test light or multimeter.
-You should have some spark at the
points if power is getting there.
If the coil still doesn't
fire, check the spark plug and plug cap.(5kohms)