Motorcycle Repair: 1975 Honda XR75 2nd gear and up shifting, clutch adjustment, clutch plates

Hi Anthony,
I'm new to motorcycles and have recently obtained the subject bike. It sat for a long time, got it running to test out/identify any problems, and then went to change the oil/clean oil screen.  This required opening the crankcase so (hopefully) the only thing which I could have affected was the clutch adjustment which has an external screw.  The bike now runs but only shifts between neutral and first gear without any problem. It won't shift up into second/higher - just revs in neutral. I thought I tested it once prior to the maintenance and it did shift up into second gear and I'm not sure if I caused anything or if something broke in the meantime.  The clymer maintenance manual I have only descibes assembly/disassemby but not troubleshooting etc.  Also, this manual stated to turn the adjustment screw in clockwise until resistance is felt and then counterclockwise to adjust.  This did not work because the screw would keep going in and there was no resistance/nothing for the locknut to hold onto. I looked at the 100cc directions and they were reversed - turn counterclockwise until resistance is felt then 1/4 turn in so I did that and it seemed to be where the setting was prior to disassembly. Any ideas where to start would be appreciated as my 8 year old son is anxious to learn about hitting the trails.  Thanks!

You need to disassemble and inspect the clutch.. are you saying its where it was prior to disassembly? didn't it work prior to disassembly?  It sounds like a deeper problem to me unless the clutch plates are shot.  Inspect plates, replace if necessary - this is an easy thing to do first, reassemble and go with the 100cc directions.  Clutch plates are cheap - try that and let me know where u are.

Also - friendly advice - 1975's are a bit of a collectible and can be sold for a nice suggestion is sell it and get a late model most likely for same price.. further disappointments are highly likely with such an old bike and i'd hate for your son to be sidelined when he could be riding.  just a thought

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