Nissan Repair: changing brake light, reiver, access panels

QUESTION: how do we go about changing a brake light in a 1998 nissan avenier salut X? WE cant get the cover off to get into it

ANSWER: Delia,

The bulbs are installed from the back of the cluster.  The trim around the cluster has to come off first.  Usually, the steering column has to be dropped to get the cluster out.  So, first remove the knee bolster under the steering column.  Then, remove the two bolts that hold the colunm up.  Just let the steering wheel rest on the reiver's seat.  Now, remove the trim screws on the cluster trim and lift it back and off.  Now, remove the four screws that hold the cluster in and pull the cluster out.  Unplug the cluster and set it, face down, on a towel or other soft material, to keep it from getting scratched.  Figure out which is the brake light bulb and remove it.  Purchase a replacement and reinstall in reverse order.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: So that is for the rear brake light?


My bad!  The rear brake lights are accessed through the trunk.  There are access panels on both sides of the vehicle.  Some Nissan's have tail lights that you can remove with just removal of the panel.  Some require the removal of the assembly to gain access.  On yours you only need to remove the inner panel and you will see the back of the bulb sockets.