Nissan Repair: 200 Nissan Sentra air conditioner, nissan sentra, aluminum block

That is correct. As long as the RPMs are higher than an idle range the AC will not turn on. If I take it out of gear (it is a standard) then it will kick back on and start working again. The fan blows the whole time, it is just the compressor that will not turn on.

Followup To

Question -
I have a 2000 Nissan Sentra that is being worked on right now but the mechanic doesn't know what is wrong. The air conditioner works sometimes and other times it does not. He has been able to reproduce the problem by doing the following: run engine at normal driving rpms, air conditioner works fine; while engine is still reved, turn off the air conditioner; turn it back on and the compressor does not turn on or kick in; let the engine idle back down to around 1000 rpms and almost exactly 4 seconds later, everytime, compressor kicks back on.

Any ideas?


Answer -
Hi Chuck,

Ok, so your driving down the highway, you turn your A/C off, then turn it back on, it doesn't work and if you continue to drive without slowing down it will never work, or does it come back on after sometime while still driving?

Hi Chuck,

Boy, your not making this easy! LOL But I know what it is. It is a clogged distribution block. This is located right off the condensor. It's a square piece of aluminum inline. The pressure sensor is causing the shut down. Once you lower the RPMs then the pressure drops and it allows the compressor to run again!

Follow up: BTW not everyone maker calls this a distribution block, but if you discribe it as the square aluminum block, they will know at the parts counter.