Pontiac Repair: Security Lock System 1996 Pontiac Sunfire, pontiac sunfire, fuel pumps

My car quit, put 4 new fuel pumps on it, none will work. Heard clicking in the dash last time it ran.

I'm trying to find the right sequence for the security lock system. We've tired the 3- 10 minute one. Can you help us?

Hi whitney the click in the dash may have had something to do with the day time running lights not with the secuirity system. do this to try to learn the secuity. disconnect the battery. let it sit for 10 minutes. reconnect the battery. attempt to start the car when it starts and stalls out leve the key in the run position for 10 minutes during that time the security lamp will either continue to flash or stay on steady. afer 10 minutes it will either stop flashing and stay on steady or it will go out. Depending on the year on the car the lamp doe different things. after that 10 minututes turn the key off wait 1 minute and then attemet to start the car again. It should have learned the security system code by then. good luck :-)