Pontiac Repair: ABS and trac light on 2001 Pontiac Montana, pontiac montana, auto parts stores

My ABS and trac off light stay on and the Service Action Traction light comes on but goes off once you start driving.  How do we repair or where do we begin?  My husband is very good at these types of things.

You'll need to get the ABS system scanned to see what the Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC's) are. You can usually take your vehicle to any nationwide chain repair center (Meineke, Pepboys, Midas...etc) or to national chain Auto Parts stores (Autozone, Advanced, NAPA...etc..) and have the ABS system scanned for free. Call around and see who'll do it free.
Once you get the DTC's, they will often give likely causes for your DTC's. If not, get the code # like  C0224 or whatever and post a follow up here and I'll assist if possible.
The reason the ABS on  and Trac off is because they use the same module to control brake pulsations in either an ABS requested stop, or a Low traction situation.
Hope this helps.
Just advice from experience.
Good Luck