RV Repair: Atwood Water Heater 6-gal Model #G6A-7, thermo coupler, pilot flame

I read your reply to Darren dtd 9/8/2004.  My pilot will not remain on after heating the water, however, if the unit is turned off overnight the pilot will turn on and the water heater will heat up. However, after heating, the pilot will go out and I cannot relight it until the next day.  I was also advised to turn down the thermostat but that didn't word either. The pilot flame is strong, the heating flame is strong, both propane tanks are full.  I also replaced the thermo-coupler.  All pipes and lines appear clear of obstruction.  The Atwood heater is in a 2004 Wilderness trailer.

Thanks for the question.
Sounds like you've covered the basics and without seeing it, I would have to say it is the Gas control unit. Cause... maybe the ECO...its built into that control valve (#91601)   and cannot be field serviced.
Be safe and test your work.
Bubble test with an approved leak checker.
Not soap with ammonia!!!!