Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Lombard Chainsaw (Commango), chainsaw forum, detective work

I've been trying to get this saw running for sometime now. I have went through it; however, I can't seem to find a condenser or a coil for it. Can you tell me where I can find parts for my Lombard saw? Is there any way to check the condenser to see if it is good or bad?

A lot of those old saws used the same ignitions, and they were usually made by Phelon or Wico.
Your best bet would be to Google "Mike Acres" and "Chainsaw" and
you will come up with a neat site, it may tell you what ignition is on it, and go from there.  That saw has been obsolete for 30 plus years, so you will have to do some detective work.

Also, join, and post the question on the chainsaw forum there, you may find some help.