Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Stihl Chain Saw, carburetor body, starter rope

I have a 028 Boss Stihl chain saw, which is approximately 18 years old.  One day last week I used it to cut a limb off a tree and cut it up and it appeared to be OK.  Then a few days later, I started it and it "RAN" wide open for maybe two or three seconds and then went dead.  I have not been able to start it since.  Does not even try to start.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Thanks:  fpd

Hello Frank:

First, when you Pull the Starter Rope; Does the Engine Feel like it has Good Compression. 2- Is the Plug Firing? If No, then Remove the Spark Plug and Wrap the Threaded Section of the Plug with Wire, then Attach the Other End of the Wire to the Engine Block. Now, Remove the Coil Shut Off Wire at the Shut Off Switch. Check for Fire. If No Fire, then Remove the Cut Off Wire from the Coil (removal of the blower housing required) and Check for Fire.  Turning the Engine By Hand (giving a Quick Twist with the Wrist) is Enough to Make the Coil Fire the Plug. If Still No Fire, then the Coil/Ign Module is Bad. 3- If there is Fire at the Plug, then Remove the Muffler and Inspect the Exhaust Port for Carbon Blocking the Exhaust Port. Check the Muffler and Spark Arrestor Screen (in the muffler) for Blockage Also. 4- If the Exhaust port and Muffler are Clear, the  Remove, Disassemble and Soak the Carburetor Overnight in Carburetor Cleaner (I Use Gunk). I have Found that Most People can Use a Breakdown/IPL and Disassemble the Carburetor Enough for Proper Cleaning. You Only have to Remove the Bowl, Float Pin, Float (if Applicable)  and Needle Valve and Any Adjustment Screws that Go Into the Carburetor Body. The Welch Plugs Do Not have to be Removed. Then Soak the Carburetor Body and Parts in a 1 Gallon Can of Gunk Carburetor Cleaner Overnight. The Can has a Parts Tray Inside it for the Small Parts. Once the Carburetor and Parts are in the Cleaner, you can Replace the Lid for Safety and to Prevent Accidental Spillage. Then Blow Out the Passages with Compressed Air. Install New Parts if Required. Stihl Offers No Online Dreakdowns or Support Other than Contact the Dealer. IF you Hear of a Site that has the Breakdowns/IPLs; Please Contact me Here. Thanks. If you Hit a Snag or this Does Not Correct the Problem,  I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Hope this Helps. Let me Know What Happens, Please. Have a Happy Holiday Season and May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours. Be Safe and Happy. Thanks.

Good Luck



PS: I am Allowed to Answer 10 Questions a Day. If you See I am Maxxed Out, then Try Submitting your Question at or Just After 8pm EST (US). My New Day Starts then. Thanks.

