Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): go cart engine, marsha, screwdriver

I purchased a go cart for my grandchildren with a 5.5 Tesumseh motor on it. It is way to fast for them, and I was wondering if there was anyway to turn the motor down so it would not go so fast for them. I tried putting a block of wood under the pedal but that did not work. Could you please help me resolve this problem so they can ride it and I wont have to sell it? Thank you

Hiya Marsha
Marsha, take the cart to a good small engine shop and ask them to set the govenor lower, say, 3000 rpm.  The engine block has a small shaft coming out of it with a lever attached to it.  This is the govenor shaft and arm(lever).  The arm can be loosened and by turning the shaft (its slotted for a screwdriver)clockwise a bit will lower the top speed of the engine by allowing the governor to activate sooner.
Good Luck! Lemme know how it goes!